Our Summer Seasonal Harvest
Tuesday - 14th January - 15th April 2024
14 weeks of Harvest Boxes

Ka pai, you want to join us for our Winter Seasonal Harvest CSA!
Your Tomtit Farmers are passionate about growing fresh, nutritious food using sustainable and organic practices. And we're not alone - we know that there are many awesome people out there who want to support local farmers and food systems, just like we do.
That's where our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program comes in. When you sign up for our CSA, you're investing in our farm for the upcoming season. And in return, we'll deliver a share of our weekly harvest with you! It's a win-win - you get access to delicious, locally grown produce, and we get the support we need to continue doing what we love.
This is much more than a box of vegetables each week, its a chance to really connect with where and how the food is grown and you will be able to taste the flavour difference.
This Seasonal Harvest CSA starts on Tuesday - January 14th 2025 and runs for 14 weeks. The last CSA box will be on Tuesday 15th of April 2025
Choose your payment option
We don’t have any products to show here right now.
As a member of our CSA, you become part of out Tomtit Farm community. Each week you'll get a box of fresh veggies each week. And while we can't guarantee exactly what will be in your box (nature has a way of surprising us sometimes!), we can promise that it will be packed with the best produce we have available. Plus, since we have a limited number of CSA members, we're confident that we'll be able to provide plenty of delicious veggies throughout the season.
But our CSA isn't just about the food - it's also about the community. We want to share our knowledge and passion for sustainable farming with our members, so we offer open farm tours and weekly updates with recipe ideas, storage tips, and information about the latest veggie varieties. We want you to be a part of our growing journey and to understand where your food comes from.
This season we have the option to add:
Large Free Range eggs from our friends at Fowlers (not organic, but free range and local)
Seasonal flowers from our farm (organic)
Fruit from Newstead Orchard (not organic but local)
Extra vegetable top ups
You can choose to pay for this up front for the season or weekly as you go.
Step 2. Select any additions you would like to add to your order
We recommend signing up for our CSA asap. Once all our CSA spaces are filled we will not be taking on any more customers until the next season.
If you choose pay weekly we take one payment (non refundable) to secure your spot, we will be in touch to see if you would like any add ons and your next payment will then take place on the second week of our Seasonal Harvest CSA.
If you are planning on being away during the Seasonal Harvest CSA season we do request that you donate your box to a friend or family member within our delivery area or alternatively a family in need as we work closely with local community groups that would love this opportunity.
Please make sure you read through our Seasonal Harvest CSA information page or email us if you have any further questions.
We cant wait to have you join the Tomtit Farmily for the season.
Your friendly farmers
Brittany and James

We are proud to say that all our produce is certified organic with OrganicFarmsNZ
Certification number: OFNZ - 1569
We are currently working through a three year process to become Hua Parakore certified grower. This is a holistic kaupapa Māori framework for certifing Kai Atua.